Tokyo Table Trip

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  • Acg8ocl6yda0p97nnrxmmswt54fx9a4qo cfbfmtjtgpmczoqywgga s96 c
    yk about 4 hours ago
    I'm doing a two-week trip the last two weeks in December (14th-30th) and I was wondering whether folks could recommend restaurants that don't need reservations in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka? I booked reservations for Inomata, Sushi Suzuki, Uomasa and Kuishinobo Yamanaka. I might book some more places (if anyone knows of a good Kobe beef place in Kyoto or Osaka that is easy to book, please let me know), but I want to keep my schedule somewhat flexible just in case some last minute reservations open up at harder-to-book restaurants in the last minute. Assuming nothing last-minute opens up, I'm hoping to have a couple of no-reservation restaurants I can go to. Any can't miss places? I'm looking for Japanese restaurants in particular, or places that generally can't be found outside of Japan. Thanks!
  • User default d6f8776075bbcbf91b3886fd7b0aeb86c94956e290bd9b9223466618a8cd47a2
    guest about 6 years ago
    I’ve been to GELATERIA ACQUOLINA. They have lots of seasonal flavors so it’s a fun place to visit. I have not been to water meron, but it looks like their soft serve gets pretty good reviews.
  • Acg8oclxoqzsse9fgr59avbiy1vlbueluahddav2zbsdevxmqh 8eiw s96 c
    Kengo Yamada about 8 years ago
    Kitajimatei "lamb grilled encased in a rock salt crust" At restaurants like Quintessence and NARISAWA, French cuisine that is constantly striving to highlight the subtlety of the ingredients has become the norm, but Kitajimatei stands apart with its characteristically strong seasonings that bring it passionate support from meat lovers. This is one of their specialties: lamb grilled encased in a rock salt crust. It is grilled to juicy perfection, every bite releasing the lamb's flavour and meat juices. This restaurant even has a regular customer who comes over from Taiwan to eat here 50 times a year! And it's no wonder; last night's dinner course was simply superb as alway
  • Aachttdvyf 8ijrrc16h8tbetnif70kbhqh1yqos4lrpvkbz q s96 c
    Leo Saito about 8 years ago
    This may not be exactly counter manners but “no-show” is becoming a huge problem as well. Sushi Arai, introduced in this guide, said that because of increased number of no-shows, they have no choice but to limit the number of reservations they take from tourists. It is such an unfortunate situation that some tourists’ bad manners are reflected upon all the other guests losing a chance to visit the restaurant.